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What is Biomea Fusion’s official name?
BioMea Fusion, Inc.
Where is Biomea Fusion’s corporate headquarters?
Biomea Fusion is headquartered at 900 Middlefield Road, 4th Floor, Redwood City, CA 94063. The main phone number is 650-980-9099.
When was Biomea Fusion founded?
Biomea Fusion was founded in August 2017.
Where is Biomea Fusion incorporated?
Biomea Fusion is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
When did Biomea Fusion go public?
Biomea Fusion began trading common stock shares on the NASDAQ Global Market as “BMEA” on April 16, 2021.
How is Biomea Fusion’s stock traded?
Biomea Fusion is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker symbol BMEA and its CUSIP number is 09077A 106.
When is Biomea Fusion’s fiscal year-end?
Biomea Fusion’s fiscal year-end is on December 31.
Who is Biomea Fusion’s transfer agent?
Communication regarding transfer requirements, lost certificates and changes of address should be directed to:
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST)
(800) 937-5449 or (718) 921-8124
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST)
(800) 937-5449 or (718) 921-8124
- Teletypewriter for the hearing impaired:
- (866) 703-9077
- (718) 921-8386
Who is Biomea Fusion’s legal counsel?
Latham & Watkins, LLP
140 Scott Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
140 Scott Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Who are Biomea Fusion’s independent auditors?
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
555 Mission Street
San Francisco, California 94105
555 Mission Street
San Francisco, California 94105
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Biomea Fusion’s press release archives can be viewed here.
How can I view documents Biomea Fusion has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Biomea Fusion’s SEC filings can be viewed here.
Who should I contact if I have further questions?
You can submit queries to
How can I sign up to receive Biomea Fusion’s press releases and other company news?
Please select the ‘Email Alerts’ icon in the Investor Relations section of our website to be added to the Biomea Fusion distribution list.